Popular World War 1 Songs (Vocals and Quartets) [Recorded 1916 – 1919]

I May Be Gone for a Long Long Time (Recorded 1917)

Sterling Trio & Henry Burr 'There's A Service Flag Flying At Our House' World War I, 1918 WWI LYRICS

When You Come Back (with Lambert Murphy) (Recorded 1918)

Dixie Is Dixie Once More (with The American Quartet) (World War 1) (Recorded 1919)

Don't Cry Frenchy, Don't Cry (Recorded 1919)

You'll Be There (with Henry Burr) (Recorded 1916)

Over There (with Billy Murray) (Recorded 1917)

Break the News to Mother (Recorded 1917)

My Barney Lies Over the Ocean (World War 1) (Recorded 1919)

“When Uncle Sammy Leads the Band” (1916) World War I song = WWI song 'Billy Burton' Charles Harrison

I May Stay a Little Longer (with Henry Burr) (Recorded 1918)

For Your Boy and My Boy (with Henry Burr) (Recorded 1918)

Billy Murray & American Quartet 'Keep Your Head Down Fritzie Boy' (1918) World War I classic = WWI

Somewhere In France Is the Lily (Recorded 1918)

Keep Your Head Down Fritzie Boy (with Billy Murray) (Recorded 1918)

It's a Long Way to Tipperary

When Tony Goes Over the Top (World War 1) (Recorded 1918)

The Further It Is from Tipperary (World War 1) (Recorded 1918)

Oui Oui Marie (Recorded 1918)

Bring Back the Kaiser (with Billy Murray) (Recorded 1918)

Peerless Quartet 'Since Mother Goes To Movie Shows' Columbia A1955 (1916) Henry Burr Arthur Collins

'On Honolulu Bay” Peerless Quartet, Victor 18212 (1916) Arthur Collins, Henry Burr, Albert Campbell

K–K–K–Katy (World War 1) (Recorded 1918)

Like Washington Crossed the Delaware, Pershing Will Cross the Rhine (Recorded 1918)